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  • 2024/05/10 Tripple Nickle Drive OH SR 555: October 05, 2024Please login or register to sign up for this event.

Author Topic: 10/05&06/2024 Triple Nickel Drive OH SR 555  (Read 5404 times)

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Offline Nancy Cusick

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10/05&06/2024 Triple Nickel Drive OH SR 555
« about: September 14, 2024, 03:19:45 PM »

10/05&06/2024 Triple Nickel Drive OH SR 555  Hosted by Craig Schlesinger

Drive on your own on Saturday to Zanesville.  The purpose of the drive is to do the twisties on OH-555 SUNDAY, which is the "Ohio Dragon" and enjoy the scenery and the company of other MINIs. Some of which may be from other Ohio MINI Clubs.  So let's represent QCC in a good way, please?

Group rate at the Zanesville Quality Inn & Suites, $129.00. Address: 500 Monroe St, Zanesville, OH 43701-3884.  Please call the hotel directly at 740-454-4144 ask for the Queen City Cooper rate.  Unsold rooms will be reclaimed by the hotel on 9/20/24.  Saturday night dinner at the Tumbleweed Restaurant.  Sunday morning 10/6/2024 the hotel offers a complementary breakfast, or you can venture out on your own for a meal. 

Meet after breakfast at the Zanesville Quality Inn at 9:45 AM for drivers instructions (Have a full tank of gas), heading out at 10AM.  Lunch at the King Buffet in Parkersburg, WV after the run. Then an hour or so later run the drive again heading north. Then drive on home!

Sign up, register here on-line, reserve your room call Craig Schlesinger at 513-349-0820 with any questions.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2024, 08:54:34 PM by Dale Ballinger »

Re: 2024/10/05 Tripple Nickle Drive OH SR 555
« Reply #1 about: September 15, 2024, 01:33:56 PM »
Is there a planned caravan drive to Zanesville on the 5th?