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  • Annual QCC Holiday Party & Motor-In: December 07, 2024Please login or register to sign up for this event.

Author Topic: 2024/12/07 - Annual QCC Holiday Party & Motor-In  (Read 16495 times)

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Offline Ed Fenker

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2024/12/07 - Annual QCC Holiday Party & Motor-In
« about: January 09, 2024, 02:45:21 PM »
If you can make it drop by!!  It says closed, but come anyway, ok?  Dale
Merry Christmas! 
On Saturday, December 7, 2024 QCC will be hosting our annual holiday party. It will take place at Cincinnati MINI from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.  The address is 6131 Stewart Road #2, Cincinnati, OH 45227. Park on the upper levels and we will be on the second floor of the lobby.  The main dish, drinks, plates etc, will be provided by QCC.  So owners of white roofed MINIs are asked to bring a side dish, black roofed MINIs are asked to bring a dessert, and convertibles and other colored roofs can pick either one or bring an appetizer.  Please sign up on the QCC web site so we know how much "main dish" to order.

Membership Nancy is taking $20 dues for 2025 and encourages everyone to bring them to the Christmas party.   For membership questions, please contact Nancy Cusick 513-225-0569.  She and Mary will use Jersey Mike's for the meal and requests RSVPs on the web site so she knows how much to order. 

New Treasurer-elect Craig Schlesinger is collecting unwrapped presents for "Toys for Tots" in conjunction with the U.S. Marines.  Please bring them to the QCC Christmas party at the Cincy Mini dealership on December 7. There will no gift exchange this year, so focus on paying your dues and donating a new unwrapped present for the needy children in our area.  (suggested $20 limit) 

Hope to see you there.  And oh yeah, we will definitely raffle off the 20th Anniversary liter of Woodford Reserve Bourbon, and this time I am being serious.  So bring some extra cash.

Thanks, President Dale
« Last Edit: December 05, 2024, 09:33:39 AM by Dale Ballinger »

Re: 2024/12/07 - Annual QCC Holiday Party & Motor-In
« Reply #1 about: December 04, 2024, 10:58:44 PM »
I will be able to come, looking forward to seeing everyone!